Genii Weblog
Looks like it is "New version" week
Mon 1 Aug 2005, 08:06 PM
Tweetby Ben Langhinrichs
We are preparing final releases for CoexEdit, the Midas Rich Text LSX, the Midas Rich Text C++ API and @Midas Formulas, all at the same time. There has been a particular focus on the HTML generation engine and HTML import engine, as both are used in CoexEdit, and the former is being used extensively by ISV's who use the Midas Rich Text C++ API, but there is definitely something for everyone in this release. Watch here in the next couple of days for details, first about CoexEdit 1.1, then about Midas 3.50 in all its flavors.
Copyright © 2005 Genii Software Ltd.
What has been said:
348.1. jonvon (08/02/2005 07:09 AM)
interesting... so the html generation as of midas 3.5 will be updated? will there be a list of the differences between what was there before and what is there now?
348.2. Ben Langhinrichs (08/02/2005 07:40 AM)
Nah, I figure we'll just let you guess.
Seriously, we will make note of the changes, but some are somewhat subtle and a bit hard to describe. Most are pretty straightforward though, and those will be listed.
348.3. jonvon (08/03/2005 07:42 AM)
lol... ok then! looking forward to it, thanks...