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Fri 13 May 2005, 09:36 AM
This continues on from yesterday's post where I go through the exercise of adding CoexEdit to a well known, existing database, documenting each step.  I chose the Partner Forum because it is currently a Notes only database, so I thought it would be easier not to work around the web elements already in place.  This post was motivated by Bill Buchan, who laughed that I seemed regretful that the first part was so easy, so in this case, I am going with the Possible Bug Report form, which has three rich text fields.

Now, let me reiterate that I have no desire to see the Partner Forum web enabled, and that what I did will not web enable it.  I worked on a copy of the Partner forum on an internal database.  

Here were the steps as I record them:

CoexEdit-enabling the Partner Forum (PBR)
  1. Used the same Partner Forum with CoexEdit as yesterday.
  2. The form is actually called something longer, but I will just call the the Bug Report form.  It has three rich text fields, DetailedReportWorkaround and BusinessCase.  Since the FCKEditor with CoexEdit sample database on our website has a multi-field example, I started by copying the MultiFCKEditorSubform and MultiNotesClientSubform and renamed them PBRFCKEditorSubform and PBRNotesClientSubform .
  3. On the PBRNotesClientSubform, I simply copied the relevant part from the Bug Report form, replacing the table used in the sample.  I then edited the $CoexEditFlds field to the multi-value "DetailedReport":"Workaround":"BusinessCase", and the $CoexEditFldsH field to the multi-value "DetailedReportWeb":"WorkaroundWeb":"BusinessCaseWeb".  I left everything else the same.
  4. On the PBRFCKEditorSubform, I also copied the relevant part from the Bug Report form, changed the names of the fields to DetailedReportWebWorkaroundWeb and BusinessCaseWeb.  I also changed each field to be Computed, with its own name as default value (Note to self - I'll have to look into whether there is a good way to set up a default for the web).  I copied the passthrough <div... line from above each sample field in the original table, and pasted them before each of my new fields, and copied and pasted the </div> after each field.  I added a space before each new field and made sure that they were set to passthrough HTML.  Finally, I edited the $CoexEditFlds field to the multi-value "DetailedReport":"Workaround":"BusinessCase", and the $CoexEditFldsH field to the multi-value "DetailedReportWeb":"WorkaroundWeb":"BusinessCaseWeb" just as on the PBRNotesClientSubform.  I left everything else the same.
  5. In the original Bug Report form, I replaced the whole portion with the rich text fields with the computed subform with the formula: @If(@ClientType = "Notes"; "PBRNotesClientSubform"; "PBRFCKEditorSubform")
  6. In the Bug Report form, there was no current value for the HTML Head Content formula, so I added the word HTMLBodyContent, which is the computed field on the subform which references FCKEditor.

After this, I tested, and sure enough, it worked like a charm.  If I have time later this morning, I share some pictures, but I think you get the idea.

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