Genii Weblog

Civility in critiquing the ideas of others is no vice. Rudeness in defending your own ideas is no virtue.

Thu 6 Dec 2007, 11:52 PM
The sessions may not be quite all there (one or two seem to be badly formed) and the people and companies are last year's, and repeats may not be there yet...

Nonetheless, for those who just can't wait another second, the early Pre-Version 0.1 of the Lotusphere Sessions DB is here and ready for you to download.  Given the errors on our site, people have been trying for the past few weeks at the inevitable page anyway, so I might as well make them happy... Lotusphere 2008 Sessions DB Pre-Version 0.1

I will update with exhibitors, times and rooms, etc. when that information is available.  Cheers!

And yes, this means the data is live on the Lotusphere website.  No sneaky stuff for me, no sirree!  (And yes, I beat Ed again)

Copyright © 2007 Genii Software Ltd.

Thu 6 Dec 2007, 10:16 PM
In a recent IdeaJam comment responding to Don MNally's idea, Layers Not Bound by Frames, Slawek Rogulski asks this question:
Are layers becoming the Notes Swiss Army Knife?
I'd say the answer should be, "I hope so!", although there are a lot of constraints that could be removed.  Layers are amazingly flexible, render very, very quickly, and can be used to build interface components you wouldn't believe could exist in the Notes client, but they are also incredibly frustrating to manipulate without a tool like our Midas Rich Text LSX, and work differently in the Notes client than on the web in ways that make combined applications difficult. 

I'd like to collect a set of links to the cool things people have done or are doing with layers.  I have a few of my own, such as Not your parent's form design, which I highly recommend for anyone who wants to see some of the diversity of what you can do with layers, and a much earlier post from 2005, Ogres have layers, and now the Sessions db does as well, but there are some excellent examples out there by Chris Blatnick and Nathan Freeman and others.

And for myself, I am signed up to do a sequel to last year's EntwicklerCamp session on layers (where I showed 13 different UI techniques with layers, and then gave a sample db with all of them in it to the attendees).  In my session abstract, I promise:
A sequel to last year's session on layers, this session will show a whole new array of techniques using layers, including techniques for building layers in DXL in Notes 8, and for using layers in any Notes version from Notes 6 onward. Discover tricks to create interactive layer techniques that will empower your applications in ways you didn't think possible.
So, that should make at least 23 UI techniques with layers, as I intend to create at least ten new techniques for that session.  Surely that qualifies as a swiss army knife!

And if there is any chance you might be able to come to the EntwicklerCamp 2008, I'd be happy to see you there and discuss techniques that I don't show because they are too far out there for ordinary developers.

Copyright © 2007 Genii Software Ltd.