Genii Software's 4th Annual Lotusphere Agenda Database for PDA Synching
Back by popular demand, we have built a Journal database containing all the sessions listed on the official Lotusphere site. This database is based on the personal R5 Journal with a few added views, so it should synch with the Palm Pilot. Modify it all you want or make suggestions at
Be sure to make a note of
BP102 - Advanced Lotus Notes/Web Coexistence
Tuesday at 2:30pm in the Swan Pelican
given by Ben Langhinrichs. Ben's session has been filled to overflowing for each of the past three years, so get there early to get a good seat.
The database was created using our
Midas Rich Text LSX
and our GrabIt LSX utility (to retrieve the HTML pages which are then imported and parsed by Midas) to read the HTML and render the rich text in the documents.
Come visit
Genii Software's webpage
for information on the all our products, including our new coexistence products. If you want the actual code used to generate the sessions db, drop me a line at and I'll send it along.
If you will be at Lotusphere, be sure to see Ben's session, or get in touch and I'd be happy to meet with you.
Note: This year, speaker names are available already, along with time, date, location and the abstract. Let me know if you need a different format.
Posted Tuesday, January 6 at 12:58 am (Build 1.0) -
Posted Thursday, January 8 at 11:05 pm (Build 2.0) -
Collaboration works!
Julian Robichaux
offered a new design with a way to track your own session preferences, as well as a way to edit information and add your own events (such as parties). I have incorporated that, and also added a SessionAbstract field as requested on the
Gonzo Lotusphere
site. Finally, there are a few data changes, including two new sessions and a few of minor updates to speakers and such.
Posted Friday, January 9 at 12:36 pm (Build 3.0) -
Normally I wouldn't make another change so soon, but I have two very worthwhile additions.
Jerry Glover
offered another great addition in an embedded view in the Journal form so that you can see other sessions offered in the same time slot. I changed the position and then changed the logic to show any session starting at the same time, so that, for example, my session which is at Tuesday from 2:30pm to 3:45pm conflicts with several sessions in exactly the same slot, but also HND102 which starts at 2:30pm but ends at 4:14pm. These "potential conflicts" will show up in the document when you look at it.
In addition to this change,
Carolyn Kraut
suggested in the BP Forum that I add a calendar view, so there is a view now called (drum roll, please) Calendar.
Posted Wednesday, January 21 at 5:26 pm (Build 4.0) -
Finally, what you have all been waiting for - SCHEDULED REPEATS! Thanks to Ed Brill, who sent me a PDF, we now have all scheduled repeats included in the schedule. Mind you, I had to add these by hand, so the (R2) ones have a slight chance of mistakes. On top of the repeats, there seem to be several new sessions, although I haven't run a comparison or anything to find out which.
Besides the repeats, I have added a Preferences view and a Preferences calendar view. Also, for you iPod users, Seth Ober of KissWorks has provided an iPod compatible versions using his cool Pops-iCal product. You can get that at
, although he hasn't had a chance to add repeats since I just added them a few minutes ago. Watch his page though.
Posted Friday, January 30 at 7:27 am -
total downloads this year: 1854 (and the counter has stopped)
Another one for the history books, folks. Given the numbers at Lotusphere, it is likely that at least a third has the session database. Wow! I'll leave the database here in case anyone wants it to look anything up. Cheers!
We don't stop at the limits of Notes, we start there.
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