Genii Weblog
CoexLinks 3.0 - New release and new roadmap
Thu 13 Sep 2012, 07:40 AM
Tweetby Ben Langhinrichs
Copyright © 2012 Genii Software Ltd.
What has been said:
1018.1. Richard Schwartz (09/13/2012 06:10 PM)
Does Clipper depend on the NotesURL format that more recent versions of Notes client put on the clipboard, or were you actually able to reverse engineer the old format (which as I recall was OLE-based)?
1018.2. Ben Langhinrichs (09/13/2012 06:44 PM)
Rich - In the current version, I am not touching the native clipboard functionality at all, but simply adding actions via a menu-addin. I am looking at intercepting the normal Edit - Copy As Link for a future version, but decided it was worth gettin this out there as a number of customers have wanted it.
Incidentally, I think I dd reverse-engineer the earlier format a while ago, for a different project. I'd have to look through my code snippets to be sure.
1018.3. Richard Schwartz (09/13/2012 08:33 PM)
I can't remember when it was that I was last looking at it, but it was probably 2005-ish. I gave up on it and talked to IBM engineers to tell them that it really ought not to be that hard. I believe that they've added a NotesURL format since then.
1018.4. Ben Langhinrichs (09/13/2012 08:56 PM)
Rich - I'm not sure that it matters much now, especially since I am just creating my own HTML and/or file snippet. I don't need to read their format at all, no matter which type it is.
1018.5. Richard Schwartz (09/13/2012 09:42 PM)
True enough with your own menu addin. I was thinking the other way around. I.e., as an outlook plugin that reads the clipboard formats Notes client creates and converts into something useful.