Genii Weblog
CKEditor #1 - Basic toolbar configuration
Wed 6 Jun 2018, 11:59 AM
Tweetby Ben Langhinrichs
This is the first in a series of short posts on configuring the CKEditor toolbar which is used by default in XPages for rich text fields, but which may also be added to Classic web applications with only a couple of extra steps. When searching for documentation on configuring the toolbar, almost the only posts or articles I could find show how to switch between "standard" toolbars or how to create a custom toolbar using the existing elements. I'll cover those briefly, but also show a couple more.
1) Switching between standard toolbars.
There are a few standard named toolbars, 'Large', 'Medium', and 'Slim'. The easiest and most common modification in XPages is to set a dojo attribute named toolbarType to one of these three names. For example, to switch to Slim, the dojo properties would look like this:
The different standard toolbars look like this:
2) Moving the location of the toolbar to the bottom
There are times when the toolbar is in the way at the top, In this case, you can switch the toolbar to the bottom of the editor pane by setting the toolbarLocation attribute to "bottom"
In this case, the editor would appear like this.
3) Configuring your own toolbar
In some cases, you want your own defined subset of icons. In that case, you created a dojo attribute named toolbar and give it a computed value. In the box, you create a toolbar sting and return it. Creating an ultra-minimal toolbar could look like this (showing the popup box):
In this case, the editor would appear like this (back at the top, but could be at the bottom).
To give you an idea of the possible tools (without adding extra plugins), this is the definition of the Large toolbar. The items are the names to look at, though you can create your own groups just like this.
CKEDITOR.config.toolbar_Large =
[{name: 'tools',
{name: 'styles',
{name: 'paragraph',
items :['JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyBlock','NumberedList','BulletedList','Indent','Outdent','Blockquote','BidiLtr','BidiRtl','Language' ]},
{name: 'insert',
items:['Table','Image','MenuLink','Anchor','Iframe','Flash','PageBreak','HorizontalRule','SpecialChar', 'Smiley']}];
4) Other toolbar attributes
If you want to play a bit with other toolbar attributes, take a look at the CKEditor 4 API toolbar config settings. Note that most can be created as named dojo attributes, but also note that IBM confused matters some by renaming the toolbar you see on that page to toolbarType. For example, if you have a large, multi-line toolbar, you can set it to be collapsed by setting toolbarStartupExpanded to true and toolbarCanCollapse also to true. The user than has a small twistie to expand the toolbar if desired.
I hope this has been helpful. My next post will be about using the pre-installed CKEditor in a Classic web application, with notes about how to do these same settings in that context where there are no dojo attributes.
All topics in the series
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What has been said:
1098.1. Ben Langhinrichs (06/07/2018 08:12 AM)
Thanks! I hadn't seen your toolbar configuration bean, but that is quite clever.