I am trying to come up with a single page (half if possible) that can help identify the crucial parts of the Lotus brand that equate to external social software and popularly recognized phenomena. For example:
SameTime ==> Instant Messaging + Web meetings
Quickr ==> File sharing ala Flickr but for more than just photos
Dogear ==> Shared bookmarks like Del.icio.us or Digg
Composite applications ==> business mashups
Connectons ==> Facebook + whatever
and so on. When somebody sees "Dogear" on a menu, it would be nice to say, "That means shared bookmarks like De.ico.us or Digg", but I sometimes find myself grasping. Some things are obvious, such as the IBM Blog Template. It might also be handy to have a table of popular social/viral software that went the other way. So, what does IBM that is equivalent to the following, but with a business context?
Flickr ==> Quickr, but it handles more than photos
I.M. ==> SameTime
LiveMeeting =>. SameTime
Digg ==> Dogear
Del.icio.us ==> Dogear
YouTube ==> Quickr, sort of
Wikis ==> Wikis
Blogs ==> Blogs
and so on. Are there obvious ones I am missing. I'd love to have an index card with these, and done well it could really make a clear message without an hour long talk.
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Tags: Lotusphere2007