Chris Toohey and Nathan Freeman both work in the same company. Both have blogs. Both are active in the community, and have been for years. I know that both of them are aggressively approachable people who interact with others, share their knowledge and would by most definitions fall into the "social networker" category.
I know that. You probably know that. But if a Lotusphere newbie looked into the Lotusphere Sessions db, these would be the two profiles they would see, and they would not know that. I do not say this in any way to criticize Nathan, whom I have known for years, but simply to point out that a fair number of you reading this post have a profile more like the second and less like the first. Below the image, I include (again) the ways you can have a profile more like Chris Toohey has (albeit with a less scary expression perhaps).
Either send your photo (no more than 200px, optimal is 200x200) or let me know where I can get it. I have taken some from Google+, as it happens to use 200x200. As for adding your social ids, here is how:
On Google+, go to the Lotusphere Sessions G+ page and add the page to your circles. For some annoying reason, just +1ing the page doesn't give me access to your name and id.
I still enter the photos and ids manually, so it isn't instantaneous, but this helps a great deal in getting accurate and timely information. Encourage your friends as well. The more people who use it, the more other people will know to look for it.
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