Over the weekend, we posted new pricing options for CoexLinks Fidelity. Per server pricing didn't change much (base server still $8000, additional servers now $6500), but we added user based Enterprise licensing primarily to help Notes shops that want to use the new fidelity even though they are not migrating their mail to another platform.
For many years, CoexLinks was mostly about doclinks, both preserving them and using them strategically. But now, CoexLinks Fidelity is also about high quality rendering of emails both for your internal users who may be reading email forwarded to GMail, or on a smartphone or tablet, but also for your external customers and clients who may be using a variety of email systems. IBM Notes shops including multinational firms in many countries all the way down to mom-and-pop shops who don't want to look too mom-and-pop in their emails are evaluating CoexLinks Fidelity as a solution to professionalize their customer facing emails and recapture the functionality in their internal emails being read outside of the Notes client.
Hence, new pricing. A company with up to 50 employees can buy CoexLinks Fidelity for less than half the price by using the per user Enterprise licensing, and any company with fewer than 275 users will save money. But beyond that, larger companies can use the flexibility of per user pricing to put CoexLinks Fidelity on as many servers as they like. A company with 600 users may choose to use per user pricing to put CoexLinks Fidelity on multiple mail servers and an application server, all for less than the cost of buying two server licenses. Of course, some companies with larger centralized hub servers or a smaller set of gateway servers may find it much less expensive to buy a few server licenses. All the new pricing does is offer options, because every company is unique and has its own strategy both for deploying servers and for deploying CoexLinks Fidelity.
So, whether your company is very large or very small, and whether your email strategy is based on IBM Notes clients or the IBM cloud or Microsoft Exchange/Outlook or Office 365 or Google's cloud, CoexLinks Fidelity can offer you a way to improve both internal and external appearances and functionality at a price that is right for your unique organization.
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