Ordering On-Line - Midas C++ API

Credit card payment may be made via this form. For payment by ACH, wire transfer, or check, fill out the rest of the form and check the box indicating payment has been or will be arranged separately. Additional payment information can be sent through e-mail to Sales@GeniiSoft.com or by phone to +1 216-991-5220. The Genii Software License Agreement is displayed at the bottom of this form and submission of this form constitutes acceptance of this license agreement and an obligation to follow its terms.
Each order is manually reviewed to ensure proper licensing and attention to special requests.

Company name*: 
Contact name*:
Contact e-mail*:
The production license will be mailed to this address
Contact phone number*:
Please include country code outside the U.S.A. and Canada
Recommended by:
Please let us know who recommended the Midas C++ API to you, or how you heard of it. This information allows us to thank the appropriate people, and occasionally reward them. Please, recommend the Midas C++ API to others who might be helped by its unique functionality. Thank you in advance!
Notes organization names (up to three separated by semicolons)*:
The O= portion of the hierarchical Notes name
(e.g., for Ben Langhinrichs/Genii, this would be Genii). This can be determined by looking at the full name shown on the password dialog box when logging in to Notes, or by selecting File - Tools - User ID and examining the name at the top.
Licenses needed*:
See pricing below
Client licenses:  
Server licenses:
Enterprise license:
Payment details*:
License will not be sent until payment is arranged.
Credit card details (optional):

Card number:
Expiration date:
Cardholder name (as it appears on card):

Amount authorized, with explanation of how many are upgrades and how many are new.
Planned platforms (select all that make sense):

If you need an invoice receipt, please enter your full mailing address or fax number. You may also use this space for additional comments, ideas, concerns or requests for samples. We have a large number of sample applications, scripts and agents and would be happy to provide any that might help reduce your learning curve or development time. If you let us know what you would like to do with Midas, we'll let you know what we have that might speed you along.

Pricing and Licensing for Version 5.x licenses:

Midas C++ API, Version 5.52 Shipping Now

Due to heavy fluctuations in currencies, we have temporarily taken down our non-US pricing. Quotes in Euros and British Pounds are available upon request.

Production client pricing:

Client licenses

Price (US dollars)

Price (Euros)

Price (GBP)

Part Number

From 1 to 50

$1500 total

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51 to 150

$600 plus $18 per client

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151 to 450

$1500 plus $10 per client

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Over 450

Call for quote, or see Enterprise license bundles below

*The minimum number of clients which may be ordered is the fixed price Base Client License package with 50 users.

Production server pricing:

Server licenses*

Price (US dollars)

Price (Euros)

Price (GBP)

Part Number

Per server


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Over 5 servers

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*Maintenance and Upgrades are free for the first year. After that, a Maintenance and Upgrades fee of 20% of the original license fee will be charged annually. License payments may be made in any listed currency, but subsequent maintenance payments must be in that same currency (e.g., if you buy in Euros, you will need to pay maintenance in Euros from then on)
**Price for either 5.x license for use with full toolkit or 4.x license for use with RightFax integration

Enterprise bundles (subject to change without notice):

Client licenses*

Price (US dollars)

Price (Euros)

Price (GBP)

Part Number

450+ to 2000


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2001 to 5000


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5001 to 10000


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Over 10000

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*Each Enterprise license includes a single production server license (MPPBS) as well the stated number of client licenses. Additional server licenses may be ordered separately.

Maintenance and Upgrades are free for the first year. After that, a Maintenance and Upgrades fee of 20% of the original license fee will be charged annually. License payments may be made in any listed currency, but subsequent maintenance payments must be in that same currency (e.g., if you buy in Euros, you will need to pay maintenance in Euros from then on)

All upgrades except major version upgrades (e.g., 4.x to 5.x) are freely available on our website to licensed users. Major version upgrades are available at all users who are up to date with paid maintenance agreements.

Evaluation licenses:
Licenses for evaluation, testing and development of solutions are free. To request an evaluation license for Version 5.x, please fill out our Evaluation Request form, and a license file will be sent along with instructions on how to install the software. The license will expire after between 30 and 45 days, at the expiration date listed on your evaluation e-mail.


Product: Midas C++ API


This Agreement is between Genii Software Ltd., headquartered at 3052 Woodbury Road, Shaker Heights, Ohio 44120 ("Genii" or "Genii Software"), and you, the person or entity downloading and/or using the SOFTWARE referenced above. This Agreement sets forth terms and conditions applicable to your use of this Software.


a. CLIENT LICENSE. A client license refers to a license to use the Midas LSX, Midas C++ API or @Midas Formulas on a Notes client workstation. A client license is not required if the Midas product is only loaded on the server and never directly accessed or loaded into memory by the Notes client.

b. SERVER LICENSE. A "server", for Midas licensing purposes, refers to a Domino server which may be used for Domino agent processing and Domino HTTP processing, or to another web or application server running non-Domino software. It may be used to serve Web clients. Web clients do not need to be included in any of the license headcounts, so long as the "server" is licensed. A "server" license refers to a license to use the Midas LSX, Midas C++ API or @Midas Formulas on a Domino server, or on a non-Domino web or application server using Notes or Domino libraries.

c. LICENSE HEADCOUNT refers to registered users in the Lotus Notes Name and Address book. Each user of the SOFTWARE must be included in the license headcount, whether or not the SOFTWARE is currently in use (loaded in RAM). Each Domino server which uses the software must be licensed separately, or as part of a bundled license agreement. Each non-Domino server which uses the Midas software must be licensed separately. Usage for licensing purposes is NOT based on simultaneous use.

d. LICENSEE COMPANY. This is the company for whom the license is intended, whether the licensee purchases the license directly or has it purchased by an intermediate, reseller or business partner.

2. GRANT OF LICENSE. Genii Software Ltd. grants the LICENSEE COMPANY the right to use the enclosed software in the manner provided below:

a. You may use and distribute a limited number of copies of the software product identified above, which includes "on-line" or electronic documents (the "SOFTWARE"), so long as all copies are exclusively for use in and by employees, contract employees or partners of the LICENSEE COMPANY, and so long as the license headcount for client users and Domino servers is not exceeded. The SOFTWARE is in "use" when it is loaded into temporary memory (i.e., RAM) or when it is installed into permanent memory (e.g., hard disk, CD-ROM or other storage device). The SOFTWARE may not be used by employees, contract employees or partners of the LICENSEE COMPANY as part of any separate venture or company. The SOFTWARE may not be installed or used on computers not owned, leased or otherwise controlled by the LICENSEE COMPANY. It is the responsibility of the LICENSEE COMPANY to ensure that license levels are maintained through the accurate tracking of client and server headcounts.

b. All copies and distributions of the SOFTWARE must be for internal use only, and not republished or distributed beyond the LICENSEE COMPANY's premises. If a consulting organization does work for the LICENSEE COMPANY using the LICENSEE COMPANY's id files, they may be considered as employees of the LICENSEE COMPANY. If a consulting organization does work for the LICENSEE COMPANY and needs to do work using its own id files, a separate development license should be obtained.

c. A Midas SDK license allows use for development purposes only of up to ten (10) client users or nine (9) client users and one (1) server. This license may not be used on production systems except in the case of limited duration pilots or active development (when servers are used for both production and development use). The license headcount may be controlled through an access control group in the primary Lotus Notes Name and Address book, or simply by agreement when issued as part of a production license for another company. Even if this control can be circumvented by technical means, or is waived by a special evaluation license file granted to the individual or entity, this license MAY NOT be used by more than ten (10) users in the LICENSEE COMPANY. If this SDK license is used by chance or intent for any production use, including but not limited to the processing, conversion or transformation of a single database, a production license must be purchased consistent with the use, even if no further use is intended.

d. The Enterprise License allows unlimited client use and distribution of the SOFTWARE within the LICENSEE COMPANY. Accurate client headcounts need not be maintained, except that the maximum size of the company and its total client headcounts must not exceed the stated Enterprise license maximums, and only a single server may be used. For corporate entities, parent companies, affiliates and subsidiaries are NOT considered part of the LICENSEE COMPANY, and thus not licensed by the Enterprise license. For government agencies, each agency or department is considered a separate Enterprise, so separate Departments and Agencies are not licensed by the single Enterprise license. Enterprise licenses may require a signed agreement, and are available only at the discretion of Genii Software Ltd.

All intellectual property rights in the SOFTWARE, license files, user documentation, Sample Formulas and Sample Databases are owned by Genii Software Ltd. and are protected by United States intellectual property laws (including patent, trademark and copyright laws), other applicable intellectual property laws, and international treaty provisions. Therefore, you must treat the SOFTWARE like any other copyrighted material, except that you make may copies of the electronic portions of the SOFTWARE (on-line documentation and DLL's, but not installation program) for distribution within your company, within the parameters of the license headcount of your specific license(s). Genii Software Ltd. retains all rights not expressly granted.

4. OTHER RESTRICTIONS. You may not rent, lease, license or sublicense the SOFTWARE, nor transfer the SOFTWARE on a permanent basis unless the transferee is a subsequent owner of your company (as in the case of a merger or acquisition). You may not alter, merge, modify or adapt the SOFTWARE in any way, and specifically may not reverse engineer, disassemble or decompile the SOFTWARE. If by any method or chance you should find, see or obtain any part or portion of the source code for the SOFTWARE, you must immediately destroy all copies of the source code and may not use or reveal any of such source code to any other party.


a. Sample Formulas and Sample Databases. Notwithstanding Section 1, Genii grants you the right to use and modify the Sample Formulas or Sample databases available in the on-line documentation or on the Genii Software web site, provided you comply with Section 5.b and provided that the Help About document for the specific sample does not explicit restrict such use. You may not distribute the Sample Formulas and Sample Databases themselves, or any portion thereof, unless you comply with Section 5.b, and unless you include this license agreement along with the distribution.

b. Redistribution Requirements. If you redistribute the REDISTRIBUTABLE COMPONENTS, you must: (I) distribute the formulas only for use by the SOFTWARE specified above; (ii) include a clear statement that the formulas are for use by the product named above; (iii) include a valid copyright notice on your product (application or database); (iv) agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Genii Software Ltd. from and against any claims or lawsuits, including attorney's fees, that arise or result from the use or distribution of your software application product; and (v) agree to include such requirements on all subsequent redistributions of your software application product.

LIMITED WARRANTY. The SOFTWARE is provided wholly "AS IS" without warranty, representation, promise or guarantee of any kind, either express or implied, statutory or otherwise, including warranties as to quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose, or any warranty against infringement. Your use of the SOFTWARE is entirely at your own risk.

Except as specifically provided herein, Genii makes no warranty, representation, promise or guarantee, either express or implied, statutory or otherwise, with respect to the SOFTWARE, user documentation or related technical support, including their quality, performance, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

The warranty and remedies set forth herein are exclusive and in lieu of all others, oral or written, express or implied. No Genii dealer, distributor, agent or employee is authorized to make any modification or addition to this warranty. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state/jurisdiction to state/jurisdiction.

NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Genii Software Ltd. be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use or inability to use this SOFTWARE, even if Genii has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Because some states/jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of such liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you.

This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Ohio and the laws and treaties of the United States of America. CPP Order