Genii Weblog
Who pays?
Mon 26 May 2003, 10:07 PM
Tweetby Ben Langhinrichs
Copyright © 2003 Genii Software Ltd.
What has been said:
13.1. Rob McDonagh (05/27/2003 08:02 AM)
Some good points. He's wrong to dismiss the 'how MUCH will we pay' question, though. I consider Quicken an absolute life saver, and I paid $29.95 for it. I buy single-purpose shareware all the time, as long as it costs less than $25. I buy developer tools that cost less than $300 if I'm going to use them often enough (speaking of which, what WOULD a single-developer license of Midas run for, to be used for personal, family-related fun stuff?). But I won't buy Macromedia's Dreamweaver suite, no matter how many people rave about it, because I've never seen it at a reasonable price. Reasonable is an entirely subjective word, of course, which is why you're debating what to charge for things.
My point, though, is that I don't expect software to be FREE, any more than I expect music to be free - I expect them to be reasonably priced. $17.95 for 10 songs, of which I will enjoy 4-5, is not reasonable to me. Going to Apple's music store and buying those 4-5 for $.99 apiece IS reasonable. And yes, I've already spent some money there, and will spend more.
But then, I don't consider Open Source software to be free, either, because there is a risk cost associated with the lack of a vendor to provide support (and upgrades, and training, etc). Some people forget to put monetary value on those 'soft' costs, though...
13.2. Ben Langhinrichs (05/30/2003 12:21 PM)
I just realized I never did answer your question about Midas. We don't have a "personal" license. We have a VSB (Very Small business) license for $500 if your company is 10 people or smaller, which will expand with you up to the 50 people we allow in a base client license. On the other hand, we are very free about including developer licenses in with any sales, so must deveelopers who have sold Midas to any client have a non-expiring license they can use at no cost.