Genii Weblog

Interesting challenge redux

Mon 22 Mar 2004, 11:40 PM

by Ben Langhinrichs
A beta tester asked me "How would I code the sample in your interesting challenge blog using @Midas?"  My first reaction was, "You can't, because there isn't any looping in formula language", but then I remembered that @While and such constructs WERE added in ND6, so I gave it a try.  Now, to be fair, I had to tweak the code some under the covers to fix a few bugs which surfaced, but that is what betas are good for.  Anyway, the following code works with the new beta I'll send to beta testers tomorrow.
Inline JPEG image
Sorry for the odd purple, but that is what the screen print saved.  Let me know if you would like any explanation of what is going on.

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