Genii Weblog
Sneak peak at LS 2005 Sessions db Version 1
Wed 5 Jan 2005, 11:50 AM
Tweetby Ben Langhinrichs
Copyright © 2005 Genii Software Ltd.
What has been said:
263.1. Declan Lynch (05/01/2005 09:04)
Are they alternating row colors or have you color coded the different tracks using column colors?
Just curious.
263.2. Ben Langhinrichs (01/05/2005 09:37 AM)
Alternating rows, but that is a really good idea!
The only problem is, I am color blind and have a terrible sense of colors. Could you suggest colors for each track so I don't wind up with some horrendous offense against humanity?
263.3. Tim Latta (01/06/2005 11:53 AM)
We have a similar feature in our application that is less glorious. We've got a view that is By Location with a sort by date/time within it. You can see a room for the entire conference, day by day. I've toyed with an embedded view in the form just like you've done. I like it.
263.4. Tim Latta (01/06/2005 07:31 PM)
What, 'steal'? That's 'collaboration' amongst developer types!