Genii Weblog
Caring about customers
Mon 28 Feb 2005, 12:50 PM
Tweetby Ben Langhinrichs
Kathy Sierra has a great post called Can your teach someone to care? which talks about how to infect your people with the enthusiasm to really care about your customers. As she puts it
Passion is infectious, and so is caring. The brain usually can't help sliding toward the behaviors of those that brain is around. So if you want people to care, make sure the culture of your environment has hit a critical mass of caring.As with most of Kathy's posts, this is well worth reading. I like to feel that we have a culture of caring at Genii Software, but it never hurts to be reminded and to think about it consciously.
Oh, and my favorite line is Kathy's last
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What has been said:
294.1. Duffbert (02/28/2005 12:39 PM)
And how often do you here *that* coming from IT professionals? :-)