Genii Weblog
"Top five" style reports with Midas
Thu 28 Jul 2005, 03:20 PM
Tweetby Ben Langhinrichs
I had a long time customer contact me because the screenshot I posted (slightly larger version below) reminded him of a question:
I know Midas is flexible and makes these nested reports, but I need a Top Five style report sorted by the total sales posted by each sales person. Do I have to pre-process all the sales, sort them and then create a report or can Midas do this somehow?It took me a few minutes to be sure. I remember that this used to be one of the (very few) popular features of ReportLogic, our ill fated report writer, but ReportLogic used custom API code to do it. Then it struck me. I just need to put the total in the tab label, sort the table tab label, which Midas can do, remove all but the first five rows, then clean up the tab labels. I added this to the Report It! sample db to be sure I was right.
This added a bit of code, although it took away some code too, as it never creates the nested tabbed table. It simply creates a tab for each city/state combination, adds totals to their tabs, sorts by tab value, removes extra rows (all 63 of them) and then cleans up the remaining tab labels. You could do the same thing with collapsed sections, and I might add that as well to the Report It! sample.
Report It! sample db - Create nested tabbed tables before Top 5 processing

Report It! sample db - Create Top Five Performing Cities
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