Genii Weblog

EntwicklerCamp 2006

Wed 22 Feb 2006, 11:00 PM

by Ben Langhinrichs
Both sessions went well, although during the latter part of my first session, on integrating web editors with Domino (without CoexEdit), my laptop decided to go into ultra slow mode, which finished things off on a lower note.  Still, the audience seemed receptive.  The second session, on creating API extensions and integrating them with Notes/Domino, went very well.  I will be posting code and slides and such shortly.

The conference was a bit frustrating for me, as I had to zoom in and out in minimal time and couldn't really stay around to see Wild Bill and Paul and the Worst Practices session (like I need to look past my own office for that!), or to visit more with Rudi, or just to get a feel for things.  Between being incredibly busy with work and with packing/sortiong/moving to get ready to sell this house and move into the cool one we are buying (see below for a picture of my boys seeing if they could possibly be comfortable reading Calvin and Hobbes in the new family room with heated radiant floors - they seem to be doing OK), I was not able to get away for the whole conference.  But I had a good time while I was there.

Inline JPEG image

Copyright © 2006 Genii Software Ltd.

What has been said:

436.1. Rudi Knegt
(02/23/2006 09:04 AM)

And it was great having you.. the audience loved it, and gave you good eval notes. Will send you the results in about a week (need to make then in English for you)..

Have a great week.
