Genii Weblog

Where I would like to be going (but can't)

Tue 19 Jun 2007, 10:08 PM

by Ben Langhinrichs
If I had my way, and were not so darned busy (but at least I am doing way cool things), I would be sure to attend one of the Collaboration University events in Kansas City, MO July 9-11 or in London, UK 18-20.  (With apologies to the SNAPPS people, I hardly need say that going to London would be more fun, but the information provided should be equally good in both places.)  From everything I have heard, this was an awesome and incredibly useful conference last year, and this year the SNAPPS people are providing Quickr templates and the product will actually have just been released, so the potential for learning and experiencing and experimenting is just indescribable.


Anyway, I won't be going, but if you are (and you should if you can), let me know what you learn.   I will be stuck here in my office, slaving away, so you will know where to find me.  Sigh!

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