Genii Weblog
OpenSesame: Nested tables in Lotus Documents editor
Wed 22 Aug 2007, 03:41 PM
Tweetby Ben Langhinrichs
Copyright © 2007 Genii Software Ltd.
What has been said:
617.1. Carl Tyler (08/22/2007 02:16 PM)
Even more crazy, when you remember IBM still offers SmartSuite, and WordPro for over 10 years has supported nested tables.
I think we should compare the productivity editors to Microsoft Works, it would seem a more fair comparison I think.
617.2. Ian Randall (08/22/2007 08:23 PM)
I think the Productivity Editors were meant to fit somewhere between the Rich Text Editor in Lotus Notes and MS Word in functionality. But that's the whole point, the more sophisticated Word processors such as Word have too many features that most people don't use or need, so there iss a place for something slightly less powerfull, but simpler and easier to use.
But power users who actually use the sophisticated features (such as nested tables) need more sophisticated (and complex) tools.
My dissapointment with the Productivity Editors is more because they cannot be used as a default editor in Notes Rich Text fields or as the email editor and secondly because Lotus has not exposed them to Lotus Notes developers so that we can easily generate graphics, and perform underlying functions (like spreadsheet calculations) through the Notes API or natively from Lotuscript or other languages.
I know that is partly the gap that Ben is trying to fill with OpenSesame (and I don't want to detract from the value-add that Genii wants or needs to provide), but I was hoping when Lotus announced the Productivity Editors that they would be much more tightly integrated with the Notes IDE (and Lotus Notes) than they actually are. But then again this is still just the Notes 8.0 release so things could change, and Genii's market niche has always exploited this gap in the Lotus product range.
I have also wondered why Lotus don't simply make an offer for Genii and bundle your many years of innovation with the base Notes/Domino product anyway.
617.3. Peter Meuser (08/23/2007 11:51 AM)
Ben, are we thinking about the same "incurable Lotus fanboy" skulking around the Notes 8 forum? ;-)
What a wonderful characterization...
617.4. Ben Langhinrichs (08/23/2007 12:21 PM)
Carl - Actually, I quite like the productivity editors in most ways, but this is a very sore point.
Ian - One could wonder.
Peter - Some of my best friends are incurable Lotus fanboys, and that's all I'll say.
617.5. Wayne (08/23/2007 12:59 PM)
Open Office 2.2 can create/edit nested tables quiet well.
I think this was an ability not present in the 2.1 release and as far as I know, the Productivity editors are based on the 1.1 version of Open Office.