Genii Weblog
What have you missed (if you haven't replicated the Sessions db recently)?
Wed 16 Jan 2008, 08:49 AM
Tweetby Ben Langhinrichs
- Ed Brill is no longer facilitating at the BOF301 The Lotus Blogging Community (web link), but the public website doesn't list his replacement, and neither does Lotusphere On-Line. To find out who is taking his place, you need to replicate and see from our Sessions database, or read Ed's blog.
- When are the lunch breaks at Lotusphere this year? The public agenda lists them, but Lotusphere On-line doesn't make it easy to find out. But they are listed in the sessions database if you replicate.
- Want to know more about Lotusphere Idol? You can search in vain on the public website, or you can dig around and find out when the auditions are on Lotusphere On-Line, but if you want to find out when the presentation itself is, you have to search the blogoshere... or just look in the sessions database at FUN108 Lotusphere IDOL Presentation and see the time and place included with the other sessions.
- Finally, are you wondering what your fellow attendees are wondering? Look in the Questions/Ideas view and see what people are asking about sessions you might want to attend. Maybe you have those same questions? Maybe you have others? Now is the time to participate, but only if you replicate.
- Are you a speaker? Did you know that you can now answer or respond to questions/ideas (actually, anybody can - imagine, discussions in Notes!)? You have to replicate first to see them.
Copyright © 2008 Genii Software Ltd.
What has been said:
659.1. Lars Berntrop-Bos (01/17/2008 04:27 AM)
Some sessions mis the items BeginTime and EndTime needed for the copy to calender.
Sub Initialize
' Steve Davis
' eWorld Enterprise Solutions
' December 7, 2007
' fixes: Lars Berntrop-Bos, 17-01-2007
' Declare our variables
Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim dbMail As NotesDatabase
Dim dbCurrent As NotesDatabase
Dim dcSelected As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim docSession As NotesDocument
Dim docCalendar As NotesDocument
Dim itmTemp As NotesItem
Dim dtStart As NotesDateTime
Dim dtEnd As NotesDateTime
Dim itmStartDate As NotesItem
Dim itmStartTime As NotesItem
Dim itmStartDateTime As NotesItem
Dim itmEndDate As NotesItem
Dim itmEndTime As NotesItem
Dim itmEndDateTime As NotesItem
Dim itmCalendarDateTime As NotesItem
Dim mustParseDates As Boolean
Dim sessStart As String
Dim sessEnd As String
Dim sessDay As Integer
Dim sessTime As String
Dim adjustZone As Integer
' Set our base variables
Set dbCurrent = s.CurrentDatabase
Set dcSelected = dbCurrent.UnprocessedDocuments
' Set the mail file
Set dbMail = New NotesDatabase("", "")
Call dbMail.OpenMail
' Get the first selected document
Set docSession = dcSelected.GetFirstDocument
Do Until docSession Is Nothing
' Set start and end times
mustParseDates = False
Set itmTemp = docSession.GetFirstItem("BeginTime")
If itmtemp Is Nothing Then
mustParseDates = True
Elseif itmTemp.Type = 1024 Then
Set dtStart = itmTemp.DateTimeValue
mustParseDates = True
End If
Set itmTemp = docSession.GetFirstItem("EndTime")
If itmtemp Is Nothing Then
mustParseDates = True
Elseif itmTemp.Type = 1024 Then
Set dtEnd = itmTemp.DateTimeValue
mustParseDates = True
End If
If mustParsedates Then
Select Case Lcase(Cstr(docsession.GetItemValue("SessionDate")(0)))
Case "sunday"
sessDay = 20
Case "monday"
sessDay = 21
Case "tuesday"
sessDay = 22
Case "wednesday"
sessDay = 23
Case "thursday"
sessDay = 24
Case Else
Msgbox "Skipping: Invalid date encountered in document with noteId: " & docSession.NoteID
Goto NextDoc
End Select
sessTime = Cstr(docSession.GetItemValue("SessionTime")(0))
If sessTime Like "#:##[ap]m [-] 1#:##[ap]m" Or _
sessTime Like "1#:##[ap]m [-] #:##[ap]m" Or _
sessTime Like "#:##[ap]m [-] #:##[ap]m" Or _
sessTime Like "1#:##[ap]m [-] 1#:##[ap]m" Then
Msgbox "Skipping: No valid SessionTime to parse time from in document with noteId: " & docSession.NoteID
Goto NextDoc
End If
sessStart = Strleft(sessTime, " - ")
sessEnd = Strright(sessTime, " - ")
Set dtStart = New NotesDateTime(Now)
Set dtEnd = New NotesDateTime(Now)
adjustZone = dtEnd.TimeZone
dtStart.localTime = Datenumber(2008, 1, sessDay) + _
Timenumber(parseHours(sessStart), Left$(Strright(sessStart, ":"), 2), 0)
dtStart.ConvertToZone 5, False
dtStart.AdjustHour(dtStart.TimeZone - adjustZone)
dtEnd.LocalTime = Datenumber(2008, 1, sessDay) + _
Timenumber(parseHours(sessEnd), Left$(Strright(sessEnd, ":"), 2), 0)
dtEnd.ConvertToZone 5, False
dtEnd.AdjustHour(dtEnd.TimeZone - adjustZone)
End If
' Create calendar document
Set docCalendar = dbMail.CreateDocument
' Set calendar fields
With docCalendar
.Form = "Appointment"
.Chair = s.UserName
.AltChair = s.UserName
.Principal = s.UserName
.Subject = docSession.SessionTitle
.Location = docSession.SessionLocation
.AppointmentType = "0"
.Categories = "Lotusphere 2008"
.StartTimeZone = "Z=5$DO=1$DL=3 2 1 11 1 1$ZX=29$ZN=Eastern"
.EndTimeZone = "Z=5$DO=1$DL=3 2 1 11 1 1$ZX=29$ZN=Eastern"
.ExcludeFromView = Split("D~S", "~")
End With
' Set Calendar Times
Set itmStartDate = New NotesItem(docCalendar, "StartDate", "")
Set itmStartDate.DateTimeValue = GetDateOnly(dtStart)
itmStartDate.IsSummary = True
Set itmStartTime = New NotesItem(docCalendar, "StartTime", "")
Set itmStartTime.DateTimeValue = GetTimeOnly(dtStart)
itmStartTime.IsSummary = True
Set itmStartDateTime = New NotesItem(docCalendar, "StartDateTime", "")
Set itmStartDateTime.DateTimeValue = dtStart
itmStartDateTime.IsSummary = True
Set itmEndDate = New NotesItem(docCalendar, "EndDate", "")
Set itmEndDate.DateTimeValue = GetDateOnly(dtEnd)
itmEndDate.IsSummary = True
Set itmEndTime = New NotesItem(docCalendar, "EndTime", "")
Set itmEndTime.DateTimeValue = GetTimeOnly(dtEnd)
itmEndTime.IsSummary = True
Set itmEndDateTime = New NotesItem(docCalendar, "EndDateTime", "")
Set itmEndDateTime.DateTimeValue = dtEnd
itmEndDateTime.IsSummary = True
Set itmCalendarDateTime = New NotesItem(docCalendar, "CalendarDateTime", "")
Set itmCalendarDateTime.DateTimeValue = dtStart
itmCalendarDateTime.IsSummary = True
' Other fields
Call docCalendar.ReplaceItemValue("$BusyName", s.UserName)
Call docCalendar.ReplaceItemValue("$BusyPriority", "1")
Call docCalendar.ReplaceItemValue("$CSVersion", "2")
Call docCalendar.ReplaceItemValue("$NoPurge", dtEnd)
Call docCalendar.ReplaceItemValue("_ViewIcon", 160)
Call docCalendar.ReplaceItemValue("$CSWISL", Split("$S:1~$L:1~$B:1~$R:1~$E:1~$W:1~$O:1~$M:1", "~"))
' Set body
Set itmTemp = docSession.GetFirstItem("Body")
Call docCalendar.CopyItem(itmTemp, "Body")
Call docCalendar.ComputeWithForm(False, False)
' Save
Call docCalendar.Save(True, False)
' Add ApptUNID after save
docCalendar.ApptUNID = docCalendar.UniversalID
Call docCalendar.Save(True, False)
Set docSession = dcSelected.GetNextDocument(docSession)
End Sub
659.2. Ben Langhinrichs (01/17/2008 04:48 AM)
Replicate now and the sessions should all be fixed. I'll look at your agent fix for addition in the future. Thanks!
659.3. Lars Berntrop-Bos (01/17/2008 05:58 AM)
Actually, it's the Initialize sub from the Create calendar agent. Lazy and in a hurry...
the changes to the original agent are confined to variale declarations and the stuf between
' Set start and end times
' Create calendar document
659.4. Lars Berntrop-Bos (01/17/2008 06:29 AM)
Function parseHours(ampmTime As String) As Integer
Dim h As Integer
h = Val(Strleft(ampmTime, ":"))
If Lcase(Right$(ampmTime, 2)) = "pm" Then h = h + 12
parseHours = h
End Function