Genii Weblog
Unusual supporters
Mon 13 Oct 2008, 11:21 PM
Tweetby Ben Langhinrichs
Copyright © 2008 Genii Software Ltd.
What has been said:
719.1. Ian Randall (10/13/2008 11:17 PM)
Now if this picture was taken in Zimbabwe and the Sign read Robert Mugabe , dead supporters and voters would be perfectly normal.
But then again, it appears that dead voters are quite common in Florida as well by all accounts.
719.2. Mike McGarel (10/14/2008 08:47 AM)
In Chicago, where Sen. Obama comes from (politically-speaking), there's no shortage of dead voters either :-).
719.3. Craig Wiseman (10/14/2008 10:51 AM)
Oh! Oh! I know!
Those are Obama supporters AFTER the heathcare plan is implemented.
(insert evil halloween laugh here)
719.4. Paul Gagnon (10/14/2008 12:30 PM)
check to see if ACORN volunteers were in the neighborhood recently ;)
719.5. Rodney (10/18/2008 04:15 AM)
I suspect ghosts for change are all of the other presidents who promised change while campaigning. This would also explain why they are still begging for our spare money.