Genii Weblog

Business-appropriate example of data loss #1

Wed 8 Jul 2009, 10:03 AM

by Ben Langhinrichs
A while back, I posted a set of screenshots for a message sent from the Lotus Notes 8.5 client showing how sections might disappear when sent to a client, and how that might offend Klingons.  Entertaining as that might have been, I decided I should create a more "business-appropriate" example.  Which of the renderings do you think is more useful?  This is an example of data loss, rather than simply crude appearance, although both are issues dealt with by iFidelity 3.0.

Original email as sent from Lotus Notes 8.5 client

Original email sent from Notes 8.5 client

Email as received in Outlook after being rendered to MIME by the Notes 8.5 client

In Outlook after rendering by native Notes 8.5 client

Email as received in Outlook after being rendered to MIME by iFidelity

In Outlook after rendering by iFidelity 3.0

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