Genii Weblog
Ideas gone to waste
Fri 13 Aug 2010, 10:35 AM
Tweetby Ben Langhinrichs
In the world of Lotus Notes/Domino, a star attraction is IdeaJam, a site that allows people to suggest ways that the product could work better, and vote those ideas up or down. Despite that, I have not been on the site for months. Craig Wiseman had a post on his blog today that explains it best:
Please visit Craig's blog post on wasted ideas and take a bit of time reading through the ideas and what has become of them. It is a fascinating and depressing list, and I wanted to be sure to thank Craig for taking the time to go through the ideas and compile them.
Copyright © 2010 Genii Software Ltd.
What has been said:
906.1. Craig Wiseman (08/13/2010 08:04 PM)
A) I really like that new blog layout. Spiffy! As an aside, I also have always like that you call this a "WebLog".....
906.2. Ben Langhinrichs (08/13/2010 10:51 PM)
Glad you like the new layout. Sorry that the call out had to be such a downer.