Genii Weblog
Grumble grumble web grumble coexistence grumble
Wed 17 Nov 2010, 09:48 AM
Tweetby Ben Langhinrichs
Copyright © 2010 Genii Software Ltd.
What has been said:
917.1. Henning Heinz (17.11.2010 15:22)
I assume that from IBM's point of view you should only use XPages.
917.2. Ben Langhinrichs (11/17/2010 03:25 PM)
Presumably that is the attitude, but they might want to stop calling it the "Discussion - Notes & Web" template first, and then stop touting it as a solution which works for both.
917.3. David Leedy (11/17/2010 03:58 PM)
Not that this is a GREAT answer... but the discussion DB does run as XPages in the Notes client doesn't it?
917.4. Ben Langhinrichs (11/17/2010 04:11 PM)
@David - In theory, yes, but I don't know how you actually make it happen. That would be a good solution, except of course that you lose all the capability of the Notes client editing, which is much more robust than the web editor anyway. Still, it would make them compatible.
917.5. Stephan H. Wissel (11/18/2010 02:06 AM)
@Ben: You only need to go to the startup properties of the discussion database. Here you will see "Frameset" for the Notes client and "XPage" for web. Set the Notes client to "XPage" too and it will launch in the Notes client.
917.6. Ian Randall (18/11/2010 02:44 AM)
While you are on this topic, try this out:
1) Populate a table containing a reasonable mix of rich-text attributes using the Notes Client.
2) Open it in the Web browser and edit something, then save the document.
3) Finally try editing this rich-text field again in the Notes Client and see what happens.
Sure the very basic rich-text attributes like bold and underline seem to survive a round-trip, but anything beyond that becomes a real mess.