Genii Weblog

Web editors page revamped

Tue 1 Feb 2011, 01:28 PM

by Ben Langhinrichs
It might surprise you to know that the most popular page on my website (aside from my blog) is not focused on my products, but on a list of rich text editors, commercial and open source.  Because a number of other sites such as Wikipedia link to WebEditors, I get a fair amount of traffic there. Unfortunately, I have neglected it for the past couple of years. I decided to clean it up, and I think it looks much better, although I'd love your opinions.

Here is a snippet of the new page (not completely finished, but getting there). Click image to see it live.

Inline JPEG image

Here is a snippet of the old page (although I am ashamed to even show it):

Inline JPEG image

Copyright © 2011 Genii Software Ltd.

What has been said:

964.1. Ben Poole
(01/02/2011 20:31)

Very handy resource! One thing: is the "i" circle graphic supposed to do something?

964.2. Ben Langhinrichs
(02/01/2011 09:27 PM)

@Ben - I was afraid that wasn't obvious enough. If you hover the mouse over it, it gives a longer description. Perhaps I should make it a dialog box.

964.3. Ben Poole
(01/02/2011 22:01)

Aha, I was too impatient. If you make the mouse pointer change to a hand or help graphic that would be obvious enough I reckon (I do that for abbr tags and so forth so I can ping you the CSS if you want).