Genii Weblog

Lotusphere 2012 Sessions db

Thu 22 Sep 2011, 08:11 PM

by Ben Langhinrichs
Inline JPEG image

No, the database isn't available yet. I don't think IBM has even started soliciting abstracts yet, although I might have missed it.

Nonetheless, it's time to think about Lotusphere 2012. Not the abstracts and certainly not the travel. I never plan travel this early. Instead, I need to plan the Lotusphere 2012 Sessions database.

What new features should I add? Should I make my own Android app? Should I integrate with G+/Facebook/Twitter? What can I do that will wow and amaze people?

I've got some ideas, but I'd love to hear yours as well.

Copyright © 2011 Genii Software Ltd.

What has been said:

996.1. Keith Brooks
(09/23/2011 01:32 AM)

Where would any of us be without your db?

How to integrate into G+ might be of interest to some.

The ability to click on any item at all and upload where one is via foursquare or whatever services is interesting perhaps?

Liked the book section and author links.

My wants are simple, the interaction with my calendar is the key for me usually.

One thing I did do was hit the db from my phone while it sat on my server when I did not have my laptop with me. So anything you can do to make mobile users views efficient helps.

Thanks Ben

996.2. mark
(23/09/2011 12:04)

i know its dumb, but if it synced with google calender, that would be the best for me, then I could just use the normal calender on android

996.3. Mike McGarel
(09/24/2011 02:20 AM)

I think some people would like to post their Lotusphere schedule on Facebook.

Personally, I would like a mobile version, be it an Android and/or an iPad app.

Thank you for helping to make Lotusphere better for all of us once again.

996.4. Andreas Rosen
(30.09.2011 08:20)

2011 we added in the android app a mark function to prepare the sessions list we like to visit. This was very helpfull to do fast desiisions during the day

This marks would be nice to collect to a global score. So everybody can see what could be a hot session. For this feature we would need a place to store in your DB.

soapgate Q! like to writeto domino ;-)

996.5. Philippe
(12/21/2011 12:40 PM)

Hi Ben,

Any idea on when the LS12 sessions db will be released, now that the session info is available online?

Thanks in advance

996.6. Ben Langhinrichs
(12/21/2011 01:18 PM)

In its inimitable way, IBM has released the information with random bits missing. If you look at the sessions on-line, some are missing days, some are missing locations, and the syntax is not consistent. I have some other internal resources, but again, they are not complete or consistent, though what is incomplete is different.

That said, I hope to have this up in the cleanest way I can by later today.