Genii Weblog
Are videos like blog posts or like product pages?
Thu 11 Sep 2014, 09:22 AM
Tweetby Ben Langhinrichs
Copyright © 2014 Genii Software Ltd.
What has been said:
1073.1. David Leedy (09/11/2014 09:16 AM)
What I think you should do is put a date in the front of your videos. At a certain age most tech people will assume that there's been changes - but you might want to have a standard disclaimer about that.
I've thought of doing that for my NotesIn9 stuff... but never have really. A good example is I have a show "Introduction to XPages". It's old and dated... but STILL one of my most popular shows every month. The day will come when I want to redo that.
Now for my blog... since I host with a 3rd party. I'm pretty sure that I could effectively "swap" the old video with a new one... and all the stats and links would be unaffected. I'm not sure that's possible on YouTube though...
It's a good question. I think for product stuff you need to get that date of recording and maybe a version number right up front.
1073.2. Craig Wiseman (09/13/2014 09:56 AM)
I think keeping it with a note and link that there's a new version available is the best route. It keeps the history and cred and folks understand that things change over time.
Also, it's far less annoying than clicking a search link and having it be dead because you've removed the video.