Genii Weblog
Formula language in a JavaScript world: JSON db lookups
Mon 11 Feb 2019, 11:11 AM
Tweetby Ben Langhinrichs
As my last post showed, I am working on a bunch of issues surrounding REST APIs in an evolving Notes/Domino world where JavaScript and DERN./NERD stacks and REST apis are a primary focus. There are some JSON parsing classes in LotusScript in 10.0.1. But there are still numerous places where it might be easier to use formula language, such as in computed text or computed field formula. In this case, I am assuming the url returns a JSON array of Notes rendered to JSON in the same basic format as Domino Access Services. With that in mind, is there a place in such a future for something like this proof-of-concept?

It may well be that HCL will add in such functionality, or something like it. In fact, I hope they do. Given that possibility, is there any reason for me to play with this? Well, two reasons.
One is that HCL may not build it, and I'd like it in Notes 9 and beyond as well as Notes 11 or 12.
Two is that it is only a small extension conceptually to replace "URL":"url" with alternate different parameters that use our Midas data mining and rendering technology to pull from multiple databases or from rich text fields with strong rendering. That might be exceedingly powerful even if HCL adds formula language counterparts to NotesJsonNavigator, NotesJsonElement, NotesJsonArray, and NotesJsonObject.
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