Genii Weblog
Size Matters (case file)
Tue 25 Jan 2005, 07:08 AM
Tweetby Ben Langhinrichs

by Crystal Coex, Analyst Femme Fatale
The shadows lay deep and still under the trees, blocking the faint moonlight which vainly tried to illuminate their secrets. Even an observant passerby might have failed to notice the thin column of smoke which emerged silently from one of the deeper shadows and dissipated quickly in the higher branches, or even the occasional telltale flash of satiny white flesh from behind the dark leather skirt. Crystal had no specific need for secrecy tonight, but caution was in her nature.
Copyright © 2005 Genii Software Ltd.
What has been said:
277.1. Julian Robichaux (01/25/2005 11:27 AM)
Oh my... I think I need a cold shower...
- Julian
277.2. Duffbert (01/25/2005 12:06 PM)
Crystal, Crystal, Crystal... where is the sweet girl I once loved and married?
While I am pleased to make an appearance in the popular Case Files section of this fine online publication, I do feel compelled to balance your rather "inflated" view of reality.
Do you remember who you were when we first met? Shy, rather plain, ankle length dresses, peasant blouses, sensible shoes, and less than memorable "attributes". But I fell for your wit and playfulness, and soon we were wed. You started to become dissatisfied with your image, and begged for the opportunity to "enhance" your "assets". While it was a financial stretch, I was willing to do whatever it took to make you happy. But the doctors did more than just nip, tuck, and enhance. They did something to the real "Crystal". Soon you took up smoking. Stops at the bar after work "with friends" grew more frequent. Some nights you didn't come home until 2 or 3 in the morning. Yes, I did notice...
I was devastated when you left. The "young coed" was nothing more than a computer science student trying to pass her Java courses. And unlike you, she didn't have any phallic fantasies about beer bottles. She knew they were nothing more than a container of liquid escape for people who can't deal with failures in their life.
Is CoexLinks the best solution for UPundZGmbH? You bet. And if I knew that Mike would be their contact, I would have recommended that solution. But frankly, *you* scare me, Crystal. I can only hope that your new life is all you expected it to be. And don't worry about Duffbert I'll be fine.
277.3. Ben Langhinrichs (01/25/2005 12:19 PM)
LOL. That's telling her, Duffbert. I'm impressed that you'll stand up to her. Frankly, I'm scared to.
277.4. Sigmund Freud (19/01/2006 03:58)
The lady is obviously beautiful, but vacuous! Who in their right mind would want to move away from a secure, friendly, user rich environment engendered by Lotus Notes/Domino to a lesser product by Microsoft?
Since Duffbert and she parted, she has become more delusional as time marches forward. The only hope that this poor, misled, lady, holds to overcome her father fixation for Bill Gates (worthy as he is of her affection) and take to her heart (and body) the therapy provided by the stable, secure, reliable and resilient Lotus Notes-Domino. She can put her trust in LND, she can rely on LND, she can build a great relationship with the best. She can rely on LND and return to normal life or, she could continue with the fantasy that other mails may look enticing, but she must remember that the real strength of a mail is not the outward appearance, but the heart and soul; LND remains a healthy provider and rarely suffers from virus attacks, down time; it never suffers mail flu! She must also remember that LND is more than a mail, more than a database, more than workflow, it is the sum of these and more.
This family has other rich offerings too, Sametime, Quickplace, Domino Document Manager, Freelance .. what more is there for this lady, so I say to her
Carpe Diem, Carpe Jugulem, Carpe Lotus Notes!
277.5. Ben Langhinrichs (01/19/2006 04:34 AM)
LOL. Thank you, Herr Doctor, for stopping by and sharing your advice.