Pricing & Licensing for CoexLinks Fidelity 4.61
CoexLinks Fidelity 4.61 is available for Windows 32-bit, Windows 64-bit, Linux 32-bit and Linux 64-bit. If your company has a need for CoexLinks on any other platform, please let us know. (CoexLinks Migrate available upon request - see bottom pricing table.)
CoexLinks may be licensed per server, or an Enterprise License is available.
Production licenses:
Order licenses
on-line or by
e-mail or by phone at +1 216-310-0552.
Evaluation licenses:
Licenses for evaluation and testing are provided at no charge. To request an evaluation license for Version 4.x, please fill out our
CoexLinks Fidelity evaluation request form, and a license file will be sent along with instructions on how to install the software. The license will expire after between 30 and 45 days, at the expiration date listed on your evaluation e-mail.
Due to heavy fluctuations in currencies, we have taken down our non-US pricing. Quotes in other currencies available upon request.
Upgrades to new major versions are free upon request for any company on maintenance, or full price for any company not on maintenance.
Production server pricing:
*Maintenance and Upgrades are free for the first year. After that, a Maintenance and Upgrades fee of 20% of the original license fee will be charged annually. License payments may be made in any listed currency, but subsequent maintenance payments must be in that same currency (e.g., if you buy in Euros, you will need to pay maintenance in Euros from then on)
**Additional server license price valid at time of purchase of first server license, or within one year of the original purchase, but the free maintenance for those servers will only continue until the end of the maintenance period of the initial license.
***Additional server discount not valid for Linux unless quoted.
Enterprise pricing, per user (all users in Enterprise must be included - no department/group use):

User count | 
Price (Euros) * | 
Price (GBP) * | 
Part Number |

From 1 to 50 | 

Fewer than 500 | 
$2500 plus $20 per user**
Call for quote | 
Call for quote | 

Fewer than 2500 | 
Call for quote | 
Call for quote | 

Fewer than 8000 | 
Call for quote | 
Call for quote | 

Fewer than 20000 | 

20000 or more | 
$96000 plus $2.50 per user
With Enterprise pricing, any number of servers may be used to meet the needs of the users in that Enterprise.
*Maintenance and Upgrades are free for the first year. After that, a Maintenance and Upgrades fee of 20% of the original license fee will be charged annually. License payments may be made in any listed currency, but subsequent maintenance payments must be in that same currency (e.g., if you buy in Euros, you will need to pay maintenance in Euros from then on)
**Additional users added after the initial license purchase may be added at the "per user" price within one year of that purchase, but the free maintenance for those users will only continue until the end of the maintenance period of the initial license.
CoexLinks Migrate pricing (annual per user mail database):
*First 50 included in CXMBASE, so a license for 300 would be $2500 plus ($25 * 250) = $8750. Maintenance and Upgrades are free for companies paid up on their annual pricing.
CoexLinks Fidelity Software Agreement.