Midas and CoexEdit (now AppsFidelity) help create LS Sessions DB |
Creating the Lotusphere Session db required HTML importing, rich text data mining, complex text formatting, remote web editing and more, but with Genii Software's own Midas LSX and AppsFidelity web editing coexistence tool, it was no problem turning out the popular and often downloaded database.
The right tools for the job, that's all.
- Ben Langhinrichs
President, Genii Software |
Midas Rich Text LSX Helps TLCC Deliver Courses |
Geniisoft had the product that allowed us to move a Notes database into a series of HTML pages. This allowed us to move our courses (which were delivered as a Notes database) to WebSphere Studio so the students can take our course using WebSphere Studio Help.
Genisoft's product allowed us to deliver to our customers an entirely new group of courses. We can develop a course using Notes and then push a button and move that course into WebSphere Studio. |
Midas Rich Text LSX Makes "Impossible Possible" |
I feel that Geniisoft's Midas Rich Text LSX is an exceptional product that allows a developer to manipulate rich text in ways that just aren't possible with any other tool. Midas makes the impossible possible in many cases.
I am currently closing a deal that will use Midas - it is on my "short list" of tools that are recommended without hesitation.- Rocky "LotusGeek" Oliver |
Midas Enhances pcP product (read German version) |
"pcP Information und Kommunikation GmbH is a German consultant and IBM Business Partner mainly advising German savings banks and co-op banking institutions. For this business unit, we developed a product called pcP Textmanagement, based on Lotus Notes/Domino. With this product, our customers can handle both standardised and individualized commercial correspondence. We use the Midas Rich Text LSX, because the coding in Richtext in Lotus Script is limited..." [read full quote] - Sascha Proske, pcP Information und Kommunikation GmbH |
Midas verleiht unserem Produkt pcP (read English version) |
"Die pcP Information und Kommunikation GmbH ist ein deutsches Consulting Unternehmen und betreut als IBM Business Partner überwiegend Finanzinstitute im Sparkassenumfeld und im genossenschaftlichen Bereich. Für diesen Geschäftsbereich haben wir auf Basis Lotus Notes/Domino ein Produkt (pcP Textmanagement) entwickelt, mit dem die Institute Ihren kompletten Standardschriftverkehr, so wie auch Individualschriftverkehr abwickeln können. Da die Programmiermöglichkeiten im Bereich Richtext unter Lotus Script nur eingeschränkt möglich sind, nutzen wir zu diesem Zweck Midas Rich Text..." [read full quote] - Sascha Proske, pcP Information und Kommunikation GmbH |
Midas Helps Move Mobil/Exxon to Notes |
When Mobil/Exxon made the decision to standardize on Notes as a messaging and collaboration platform, they turned to Binary Tree to work with them on the migration from Exchange. When Mobil/Exxon explained their stringent requirements for content preservation, Binary Tree turned to the Midas Rich Text LSX to provide the power and flexibility to complete the migration.
"Everything is working great with the Midas RTF library. Your product and support are fantastic!"- Greg Bush, Migration Tools Team Leader, BinaryTree.com |
CoexLinks Eases Pain of Email Coexistence |
"Our company has many Lotus Notes\Domino workflow applications that notify users of pending approvals through emails containing Lotus Notes doclinks. When the decision was made to migrate off Lotus Notes email to Exchange email, we needed to find a quick and easy solution to enable our users to access the workflow documents easily within Outlook. Genii's CoexLinks was the perfect solution. It converts our workflow doclinks into attachments that our Outlook users launch to access Lotus Notes documents with the Lotus Notes client." - Aroon Mital, Senior Domino Developer,Samsung SDS America. |
Midas Empowers Bureau of National Affairs |
"We have been using your Midas Rich Text LSX and other products for almost 8 years. Our many products are vastly improved and much easier to maintain through the use of Midas, and your newest release added methods and properties that will be the key to dramatically improving how we at BNA send out over 10,000 product based email messages daily. Midas is great. We couldn't live without it, but more important than the product features is the support we have used over the years and continue to get." - George Banning, The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. |