Genii Weblog

Civility in critiquing the ideas of others is no vice. Rudeness in defending your own ideas is no virtue.

Tue 21 Dec 2004, 09:39 PM
In response to yesterday's post Limits to cleverness, Julian Robichaux asked what I use to color code my formula language.  I must admit I use a really, really simple Midas agent:

Call rtitem.ConnectBackend(doc.Handle, "Body")
Set rtchunk = rtitem.DefineChunk("Everything")
rtchunk.TextWildcards = True
rtitem.HighlightFont = "Blue"
Call rtchunk.HighlightText("@*(")
rtitem.HighlightFont = "Black"
Call rtchunk.HighlightText("(")
rtitem.HighlightFont = "Magenta"
Call rtchunk.HighlightText(|"*"|)

See, it is easy if you have the right tools!  

And before anybody gets their knickers in a twist, it isn't very robust, and doesn't handle escaped quotes and the like.  Yawn!  It is quick and dirty and helps me get on to real work, which is what utilities are supposed to do.  Any of you want to write a more robust one, go for it.  The eval license is free and available, and I'll give you credit and such.  Yada, yada, yada.

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