Genii Weblog

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Wed 3 Aug 2005, 12:17 PM
We have released CoexEdit 1.1 at last.  Woo hoo!  Besides adding integration for TinyMCE and adding support for AIX 4.3.3 and above, this version is mostly aimed at solidifying the product and handling better the multitude of different settings and properties available in Lotus Notes/Domino.  For example, Version 1.0 had issues if the Generate HTML for all fields property was set on a form, or if there was too much data in a rich text field when using FCKEditor.  Also, the ability to load local images has been added, and the ability to use that feature has been integrated with the FCKEditor software.

So, if you were expecting major new features, you probably just don't get it yet about CoexEdit.  Take a look at Lisa Discovers CoexEdit for a pictorial explanation with screenshots.  CoexEdit is mostly about quiet coexistence, so most major new features will simply make that coexistence quieter

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