Adam Gartenberg proposed
an idea on his blog, and I wanted to take it one step further. He suggested an UnLotusphere where people could post the sessions they had that were rejected to let people see them on slideshare or some such services. Since I am in a rather unique position with my Lotusphere Sessions db, I suggested that I would be willing to list the "virtual sessions" along with the "real sessions", although listed as unscheduled. I have been bouncing the idea of a few others, and decided I'd rather not focus on "rejected sessions" as much as "supplemental sessions". Whether you have a session/presentation that you suggested, or one that you would never have suggested because you are shy or it is too narrow in focus, we could list it. For example, I could do a presentation on LSX development that would be too specific for Lotusphere, but might be perfect for some who are or are not attending Lotusphere. If you have a presentation, we could link to it. If you want to go further and have samples or audio or even video, we could link to that. You could then be listed as a "speaker" in the sessions database and your sessions would show up on a search for "SameTime" or "XPages" or "LSX" or whatever.
The idea is not to water down the impact of Lotusphere, but to add the power of the infinite slots that other track managers don't get. I think of it as a Virtual Lotusphere Annex, adding the blogophere and web to the Swan and Dolphin and Yacht Club as potential venues. Of course, I would not have to deal with the limitations of scheduling or fitting people into the room. I haven't had a lot of time to think this true, but I'd be curious to hear your views/ideas.
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