It is not only Microsoft agitators who spread the idea that Lotus Notes is legacy software, or is somehow not quite as good as the other competitors. It is also Notes enthusiasts, who tend to argue vehemently that "Notes is more than just email", as if to concede that Notes does not really measure up in the email area, but makes up for it in other areas.
So, here is a little pop quiz. There are four images below of a newsletter I just received, unaltered. The first image is the newsletter in a browser, if you click on the link at the top. I'll leave the next three for you to decide. Which is Lotus Notes 8.5 (native - not using iFidelity), which is Gmail (Newer, not Older) and which is Outlook 2007? Make your guesses in the comments. And ask yourself why IBM doesn't make this better known.
Dr. Sears newsletter as it appears in a browser (Firefox 3, if it matters to you)
Email client #1 (missing background top row, titles below don't line up, gaps between headings)
Email client #2 (looks good!)
Email client #3 (Worst. Two columns turn into one, missing background top row, titles below don't line up at all, fonts change)
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