I don't often post reviews of books, but I picked this book up for my son, and after reading it, felt it deserved a bit of a spotlight. So, for those very few of you who read my posts and are interested...
I have not read a lot of zombie stories, preferring science fiction or regular fiction, but the title and tag-line of this book caught my attention. I worried at first that the "gag" of a man stranded on an island with just a zombie "girlfriend" would wear out, but the book was a pleasant surprise. Written as a journal, the book is very humorous but also does a great job exploring the ramifications for the main character dealing with being isolated with just a non-communicative zombie. The titles of the journal entries are inspired, with names such as "My Girlfriend has Crabs." The double meanings are entertaing to try and figure out, and the actual meanings are often different than I expected.
Overall, a fun read, and an enjoyable romp through the zombie stereotypes in a very different setting. As a warning, the story starts a bit slowly, but picks up steam as the main character gets stranded and the adventures begin. Do yourself a favor and pick this up to read on a trip or at the beach.
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