In a world where Twitter and instant messaging and time pressure have shortened our patience and attention spans while the complexity and size of the web has led to longer and longer links, the use of link shorteners is inevitable and necessary. The problem is, those links are often gibberish, such as (or even A customer may not feel very comfortable clicking on such a link, and certainly won't remember it.
But (and probably other link shorteners) offers a partial solution to this problem. They allow you to customize a link. Do you think a customer would feel more comfortable clicking on or Both are significantly shorter than CoexLinks but both go there.
With that in mind, I have added some customized links. Feel free to use them if you ever recommend one of our products in a forum or on Facebook/Google+/Twitter:
In addition, I added a few personal ones:
Try any of these if you like, and feel free to use them (they are easy to learn). If you add your own for your own products/websites/etc., let me know, as I'd be curious whether others find this useful. As a tip, though, don't try which seems to go somewhere very nasty. Copyright © 2011 Genii Software Ltd.