I wanted to introduce my new site, Mini-Lessons.info, as a place to find brief but useful demos and tutorials on a number of topics. There are a number of mini-lessons on Gimp 2.8 (a free open source alternative to Photoshop), as well as a few on IBM Notes/Domino and on our Genii Software products. I'm not sure whether I have worked out all the issues with leaving comments yet, but there are useful tutorials there. Of course, I am always open to suggestions. I want to do a series on XPages, as well as others on coexistence.
But I need to explain first that these are mini-lessons. The goal is to teach a trick or show a feature in three minutes or less (most meet that, and the average is under 2 1/2 minutes). That may not seem like a lot of time, but my purpose is to avoid the long, drawn out demos that leave you waiting and waiting to get to the meat of the matter. If you want 15 minute demos, there are plenty of places, but I hope to keep to the very short lesson format.
Copyright © 2013 Genii Software Ltd.
Tags: Lotus Notes Domino tutorials