Day before yesterday, Rich Schwartz let me know about a question raised on StackOverflow having to do with XPages, rich text and missing doclinks. It appears that when Domino converts a document with a large number of doclinks, it stops including them after some indeterminate number. By the time I visited the question, Stephan Wissel had already responded and mentioned AppsFidelity. (I love it when that happens! Thanks, Stephan!) I have included the question at the bottom of the post because things disappear over ime, and this blog has been around for so many years I've learned to save things.
Of course, then I had to hurry over and test huge bunches of doclinks, because what if AppsFidelity didn't help? Fortunately, it handles them fine, so I made a video showing the problem (missing doclinks with native XPages), the odd rendering the developer mentions (Notes links on the web?), and the solution (AppsFidelity!).
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Tags: XPages Lotus Notes IBM Domino AppsFidelity Doclinks