Since 2006, AppsFidelity has provided fairly seamless roundtrip editing between the Notes client and the web with a Domino server. But even if you don't need to edit the document from the web, the high fidelity rendering and features such as in-place attachment icons make it easier to see your years-long investment on Notes via a web browser or mobile client, all without any programming.
Try out AppsFidelity for yourself, and if you see a need in your organization, take advantage of our Buy One Get One offer and get a free server license for each server license you purchase. It's neveer been cheaper, and AppsFidelity will keep adding value as IBM/HCL keep advancing the product. It just makes sense.
Or, you could hope that IBM/HCL listen and make this work themselves. Go ahead, vote on ideas like the ones below at They were good ideas in 2006, too, and eventually they might get added to the core product. But if you need a solution in 2018 and don't want to wait and see, there's always AppsFidelity.
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Tags: IBM Domino Lotus Notes Domino2025 ND10 Beta