Genii Weblog

Exciton Boost 4.6.0 and development assistance

Tue 5 Jan 2021, 03:24 PM

by Ben Langhinrichs
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Exciton Boost 4.6.0 was released on our website last week, and you can find the release notes online. We expect to release a few small point releases fairly regularly as we work with increasing numbers of customers and add requested features. Security is paramount, so there are likely to be slight tweaks to the Exciton Configuration template as we make sure we are providing the granular access people need without opening any vulnerabilities. 
Recent posts such as Data from Domino: nuts and bolts of REST calls have focused more on the REST API, as that has been the most pressing need identified by customers, but we hope to post some samples showing how the REST API can be complemented by and enhanced by use of the RPC (Remote Procedure Calls) API. Our most recent post on the RPC API is RPC - Empowering the server while retrieving to the client, but while interesting, most real-life uses have involved a combination of REST and RPC, so we'll get a couple of demos showing how they work together.
In the past, we have worked very hard to focus on product licenses, but as companies have trimmed developers, we have started doing more services in conjuction with our products when requested, We tend to refer to this as "development assistance" rather than consulting, but we are able to handle any level of work required by pulling in long-term colleagues and collaborators as needed or desired. As much or as little as you need. That's it, and no hard sell.
=> Request a free Exciton Boost eval in January, and if you later purchase a license. we'll add in four hours of development assistance, a $700 value. <=

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