Pricing & Licensing for iFidelity 3.0 and iFidelity Gateway 3.0
iFidelity 3.0 and iFidelity Gateway 3.0 were released June 24, 2009, and are available for Windows, Linux and AIX. If your company has a need for iFidelity on any other platform, please let us know.
Evaluation licenses:
Licenses for evaluation and testing are provided at no charge. To request an evaluation license for Version 3.x, please fill out our iFidelity evaluation request form, and a license file will be sent along with instructions on how to install the software. The license will expire after between 30 and 45 days, at the expiration date listed on your evaluation e-mail.
iFidelity for Lotus Notes/Domino is priced per user. If all users in an organization are licensed (recommended), the license may be used on all servers, much like the Lotus CEO option. Otherwise, all users on a single mail server must be licensed, and the software may be used on that mail server:

Per user | 
Price (US dollars) * | 
Price (Euros) * | 
Price (GBP) * | 
Part Number |

1-100 (single price) | 
$1400 flat rate | 
€1050 flat rate | 
£950 flat rate | 

101-400 | 
$14 per user | 
€10.50 per user | 
£9.5 per user | 

401-2000 | 
$11 per user | 
€8.25 per user | 
£7.5 per user | 

2001-5000 | 
$8 per user | 
€6 per user | 
£5.5 per user | 

5001-10000 | 
$6 per user | 
€4.5 per user | 
£4 per user | 

10000+ | 
$4 per user | 
€3 per user | 
£2.70 per user | 

Educational/Non-profit discounts | 
Call for quote | 
Call for quote | 
Call for quote | 
iFidelity Gateway server pricing (if all users are licensed for iFidelity, that product may be used for free on Gateways instead):

Server licenses | 
Price (US dollars) * | 
Price (Euros) * | 
Price (GBP) * | 
Part Number |

1-8 servers | 
$8000 | 
€6000 | 
£5500 | 

Over 8 servers | 
Call for quote | 
Call for quote | 
Call for quote | 
* Maintenance and free upgrades are included for the first year. A maintenance and upgrades renewal fee of 25% of the original license fee will be charged annually, starting with the first anniversary. License payments may be made in any listed currency, but subsequent maintenance payments must be in that same currency (e.g., if you buy in Euros, you will need to pay maintenance renewals in Euros from then on)
Standard iFidelity Software Agreement.