Genii Weblog

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Mon 10 Oct 2005, 06:22 PM
Julian posted an interesting post today called Rounded Tables in Notes.  I had seen the border image option, but I had never realized how it worked for something like rounded table borders.  Of course, once I saw it, I had to add the ability to create these to our Midas Rich Text LSX.  I create a little gif image:

Inline GIF image

and then I added it as an image resource to a test database.  After adding a bit of capability to Midas, I wrote the following script.

Sub Initialize
   Dim session As New NotesSession
   Dim db As NotesDatabase
   Dim doc As NotesDocument
   Dim rtitem As New GeniiRTItem
   Set doc = session.DocumentContext
   Call rtitem.ConnectBackend(doc.Handle, "Body")
   Set rtchunk = rtitem.DefineChunk("Everything")
   Call rtitem.Everything.AppendTable(1, 1, |
CellBorder="NNNN"|, "Table created by Midas using border image")
End Sub

I have included the look of the table created in the Notes client, but, alas, the Domino HTML renderer does not show the border image.  I'm not sure why not, since I think CSS would allow it.  Ah well, I guess I can add that to the HTML rendering engine tomorrow.

Inline GIF image

Looks pretty snazzy.  Thanks, Julian!

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