Granted, this could be the motto of our entire business, but in this case I am simply referring to the slew of changes that have taken and will take place in the Sessions db over the next short while. Getting the data in is one step. Getting it right is another. Using it to populate everything is a third.
The good news is, the real times and dates are now recorded into the documents, so the "Add to my Calendar" button will work, the iPhone/BB synchs will work, etc. I am still scrounging for a source for BDD schedules (any little birds who want to clue me in?) and BOF schedules, and will soon start adding the showcase information and correcting/adding/deleting people. All a pain in the ass, but this is what it takes to make a working sessions db. You all get to see the dirty pots behind the pristine restaurant. Enjoy your meal!
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Tags: Lotus Notes