Genii Weblog

Civility in critiquing the ideas of others is no vice. Rudeness in defending your own ideas is no virtue.

Wed 30 Oct 2013, 03:58 PM
This has nothing to do with my products, but I was glad to see that IBM has embraced the EPUB format as well, making 786 of its IBM Redbooks available in EPUB format as well as PDF. They've published 14 of them this month alone, so there are likely to be more where these came from.

Inline GIF image

Visit to search for a favorite Redbook and get it in EPUB format.

Copyright © 2013 Genii Software Ltd.


Wed 30 Oct 2013, 02:02 PM
A few people have written and asked about getting a copy of the IBM Domino Designer Help db with the Eclipse help documents included. While I'd like to just post it, I don't really want to step on IBM's toes on this. So here is the deal I have for you. Since you could go ahead and import the documents yourself using Midas V5, there's no harm in giving you the database if you have an evaluation license for Midas. So, if you want a copy, fill out the evaluation license request, download version 5.00b from the Midas Downloads page and the Curb Appeal sample, which is the first sample on the Midas LSX Samples page. This will have to be on your honor, but try out at least one agent, and let me know by email that you have, and I'll send back the fully populated Help db, as well as the sample I used to build it in case you want to add additional packages such as the foreign language Sametime Connect packages and such.

That's easy enough, right? While you are at it, of course, feel free to look at ways the new Midas LSX could improve your business, or that of your clients.

Copyright © 2013 Genii Software Ltd.


Wed 30 Oct 2013, 01:44 PM
It occurred to me it might be useful to use Midas V5 to create an EPUB version of the 300 fixes in the IBM Notes/Domino 9.0.1 release. You can download a copy or read it directly from FixList901.epub.  Of course, if you  requested a Midas LSX 5 evaluation license, you could generate your own EPUB, HTML or MHT files for any release, or combination of releases, or topic area, or whatever. The full agent I used is below. The only extra thing I did was create a shortened version of the Public form (which I called EPUBPublic) because I was annoyed that IBM hasn't removed the "This feature is in a future release" note yet.

Option Public
Option Declare
UseLSX "*lsxrtc"

Sub Initialize
   Dim ui As New NotesUIWorkspace
   Dim count As Integer

   Dim gcoll As New GeniiCollection  
   count = gcoll.AddByFormula("""r5fixlist.nsf"|Select MaintVerNum="9.0.1"|)
   If count > 0 Then
      Call gcoll.SortCollection("OfficialDesc""Client_Server")
      Call gcoll.ExportToEPub("c:\demo\FixList901.epub""RenderWithForm='EPUBPublic' dc:title='Notes/Domino Fix List 9.0.1'")
      Call ui.Prompt(PROMPT_OK, "EPUB export""Exported "+CStr(count)+" documents to c:\demo\FixList901.epub")
   End if   
End Sub

If you would like to try out Midas LSX V5 for yourself, request an evaluation license and we can get you set up.

Copyright © 2013 Genii Software Ltd.
