Genii Weblog

Civility in critiquing the ideas of others is no vice. Rudeness in defending your own ideas is no virtue.

Thu 30 Nov 2006, 09:25 PM
As I explain on the Lotusphere 2007 Sessions db page, I made a mistake and forgot to run an agent which updates the times to real date/time fields.  This will cause an Object variable not found error when you try to add a session to your database.  You can either update and run the agent yourself or download the revised version in which I did it for you.  Just see the instructions on the  Lotusphere 2007 Sessions db page.

Copyright © 2006 Genii Software Ltd.


Thu 30 Nov 2006, 05:18 PM
If I've said it once, I've said it a hundred time, companies that want to succeed today need to understand software coexistence.  While IBM and Microsoft and others fight for dominance and talk about "wins" and "win-backs" and that sort of thing, the reality for most companies today is not whether to use one vendor's software or another's, but how to get the software from each vendor to work together.  Domino with Exchange, Notes with Sharepoint, anything with Blackberry Enterprise Server, and on and on.  Since we switched from being a "rich text tools" only company to providing "coexistence solutions", our growth has been phenomenal.  Domino customers use CoexLinks to empower workflow on their Blackberries.  Sharepoint or web customers use CoexEdit to empower rich text editing integration with their Domino backends.  And so on.

Proposion Software

But it sometimes feels like the message isn't getting through to many Notes/Domino ISV's, who want to be one vendor zealots.  But it certainly got through to one company...

Proposion Software, run by the savvy and energetic Stephen Walch, has long worked on the integration bleeding edge, facilitating .NET integration with Notes/Domino, as well as integration with a number of Microsoft technologies that I haven't eaven heard of before.  And it looks like it is paying off.  A quick look at the Microsoft Office Online Solutions Directory shows Proposion with four products.  Two are of particular interest to me, including one which I hadn't heard about until today, the Proposion Identity Adapter, which says it allows Sharepoint 2007 to use Domino Directory for authentication and user management.  The other I have heard a lot about, the Proposion Portal Adapter, which offers Sharepoint Web Parts to access Notes/Domino data.  While Microsoft obviously thinks these support a "migration", Stephen (and I) understand that it supports "coexistence" as well, and coexistence is what customers want and need.

So, Proposion "gets it", and their customers get to have their Domino cake and eat with Sharepoint too, as it were.  Do you "get it" yet?

Copyright © 2006 Genii Software Ltd.

Wed 29 Nov 2006, 04:19 PM
A full three weeks earlier than last year, and we have a real, honest to goodness,  Lotusphere 2007 Sessions DB page.  This is our seventh annual sessions db made available in Journal format that is suitable for synching with your PDA, or for just general browsing.  As you saw last year, there is much more functionality for general browsing, fun and scheduling this year!   Now, I don't know whether IBM is planning on releasing their own database, but I figured I'd better do it again just in case (as they haven't the last 11 years).  Perhaps IBM will put a link to our sessions database again this year on the official Lotusphere page, and maybe even a bit earlier.

This database is free for you to use either as is or with modifications.  If you make interesting changes, or build another tool around it such as a web services or .NET interface or whatever, let me know and I'll provide a link (or just update my db if you like) on the webpage.  Feel free to point anyone to this post or to the page directly.

I am actually doing a session this year, BP 203 Integrating WYSIWYG Web Editors with IBM Lotus Domino, and they have even given me a big room again (as you would know if you looked in the sessions db).  More soon...

Copyright © 2006 Genii Software Ltd.


Wed 29 Nov 2006, 11:57 AM
In a comment on Bob Sutor's post about Microsoft's proposed restrictions on the use of their new ribbon UI in Office 2007, Stephen Hood raises an interesting point.  He points to some pages from the Redbook on eSuite, and in particular pages 109 and 111 of the redbook (which show up on pages 125 and 127 of the PDF).  A couple of the images should give the idea:

Figure 103 from Redbook page 109

Figure 107 from the Redbook page 111

Now, compare this to Microsoft Word 2007, and see if Microsoft has really invented such a new concept that they should be able to prevent other office suites from using the look and feel:

Partial screenprint from MS Office 2007 beta

Copyright © 2006 Genii Software Ltd.


Mon 27 Nov 2006, 11:09 PM
The times and locations haven't been posted yet, so everything says it is taking place at the same time in the same place.  The speakers are all correct in the sessions, but the people in the view have not been synchronized up yet, so it may say somebody is speaking when they are not, or vice versa.

Nonetheless, for those who just can't wait another second, the early pre-Version 1 of the Lotusphere Sessions DB is here and ready for you to download.  Given the errors on our site, people have been trying for the past few weeks at the inevitable page anyway, so I might as well make them happy... Lotusphere 2007 Sessions DB Pre-Version 1

I will update with exhibitors, times and rooms, etc. when that information is available.  For now, this is mostly only handy for looking at sessions by speaker to see what you might want, or to start playing with enhancements to the database so that when the live data is ready, you will be ready.  Cheers!

Copyright © 2006 Genii Software Ltd.

Fri 24 Nov 2006, 11:07 PM
I guess it may be time to make a first pass at the Sessions db.  We don't have rooms yet, but the speaker information is available for the Lotusphere sessions.  For example, my session.

Copyright © 2006 Genii Software Ltd.