
Downloads for CoexLinks Migrate
CoexLinks Migrate Documentation (no license required)
Overview whitepaper (Revised November 7, 2017)
Manual (MS Word format) (Revised November 7, 2017)


All downloads below require a valid CoexLinks license file. If you would like to evaluate CoexLinks, please fill out our on-line evaluation request. In the meantime, please feel free to download the user manual if you wish to read about the functionality before ordering.

CoexLinks Migrate 4.60 Software (requires license)
Download for 32-bit Domino 6.5x-9.x on Windows (V4.60 - January 28, 2021)
Download for 64-bit Domino 6.5x-9.x on Windows (V4.60 - January 28, 2021)

CoexLinks Migrate for 32-bit Domino on Windows requires nCXMigrate32.exe
CoexLinks Migrate for 64-bit Domino on Windows requires nCXMigrate64.exe

All software uses the same license file, cxmigrate.lic.

Previous version of CoexLinks Migrate available below in case of the need to revert back.


Archived CoexLinks Migrate 4.00q software (in case of need to revert back)
Download for 32-bit Domino 6.5x-9.x on Windows (V4.30a - September 11, 2018)
Download for 64-bit Domino 6.5x-9.x on Windows (V4.30a - September 11, 2018)