Genii Weblog

Civility in critiquing the ideas of others is no vice. Rudeness in defending your own ideas is no virtue.

Tue 26 Apr 2016, 04:40 PM
Inline JPEG image
One line to export a Notes mail database to MBOX format with the high fidelity rendering engine in CoexLinks Fidelity, one of various formats supported. This feature will be available in CoexLinks Fidelity V4, due out shortly and a free upgrade to anyone currently on a maintenance plan. The best rendering in the business, and you can make it part of your business. We are open to arrangements with business partners who want to use this as part of migration and archiving products or services.
You can try CoexLinks for yourself by requesting an evaluation license. Anybody with an active evaluation when CoexLinks Fidelity V4 is released will get a new eval license and will also get a special discount if they choose to buy it. Current CoexLinks customers will also have a special discount available if they choose to purchase more licenses. CoexLinks Fidelity Export is part of the CoexLinks Fidelity product and will be licensed along with that product.
If you want to know more about CoexLinks Fidelity and even see how high fidelity makes a difference in your own email, visit the CoexLinks Fidelity demo page and try the Coexlinks Fidelity sample mailer to have samples sent to you.
Best viewed in HD. There is no audio for this, as it didn't seem necessary.

Copyright © 2016 Genii Software Ltd.

Fri 22 Apr 2016, 12:25 PM
A first look at how you will be able to retrieve Domino data in a myriad of formats, but in this case in JSON. This is a simple demo of an HTML page that retrieves Notes data including rich text and uses it on the page. In this case, it retrieves JSON, but can also retrieve CSV data, HTML, EPUB, MHT and EML from a view, document or field, all using the high fidelity rendering and advanced data mining features of the AppsFidelity Render engine.
You can try AppsFidelity for yourself by requesting an evaluation license (oops, corrected). Anybody with an active evaluation when AppsFidelity 4 is released will get a new eval license for AppsFidelity Render and will also get a special discount if they choose to buy it. AppsFidelity Render is part of AppsFidelity, and is licensed along with it for the same price.
Best viewed in HD. Closed captions will be provided shortly., though the majority of the impact is visual.
The lines I added to my NOTES.INI to make this demo work are below. There are a couple of additional parameters to restrict exactly what can be done with a db, but the URL will only work with a db that is enabled by name, replica id or template.

Copyright © 2016 Genii Software Ltd.


Wed 13 Apr 2016, 11:11 AM
A customer wanted to know what it would take to enhance an XPages template with AppsFidelity so that the rich text content looked better on the web but also in Notes. They have lots of apps built on this same template. (I have changed one small point about the request to make it more generic.)

The answer in this case was, it would take five lines. Not code, but lines in the NOTES.INI on the servers where the apps lived.

1) A line to load AppsFidelity into a 32 bit Domino system (the appropriate software DLLs and license file are assumed to have been put in the Domino executable directory first)


2) A line to turn on AppsFidelity's XPage processing. Classic processing would take another line.


3) A line to allow all dbs with the "MegaMarketing43" template to use AppsFidelity (a single db could be specified as <dbname> or by replica as [repid])


4) A line to turn on processing when the "Research Policies" form is used

AppsFidelityXPage1Form1=Research Policies

5) A line to turn on processing specifically for the "Description" and "Justification" fields from the "Research Policies" form


and that's it. Basically, you need one line per template, db or replica, and then two lines per form, though if the only rich text field on the form is "Body", you can skip the Fields line for that form. Of course, this not only allows rendering for viewing, but also editing on either the Notes client or web client.

Inline JPEG image

So, would you like to try for yourself? Request an evaluation license today.

Copyright © 2016 Genii Software Ltd.

Wed 13 Apr 2016, 06:22 AM
I gave two sessions at EntwicklerCamp 2016, and have created a page with slides for both and some of the samples (a couple more will be added later).


Copyright © 2016 Genii Software Ltd.

Wed 6 Apr 2016, 03:59 PM
This is a somewhat meta post in that I am demonstrating what I am talking about. I have been annoyed for a while about how links shared on Facebook, both mine and others, often have generic titles or wonky images. I finally decided to do something about it, and thought I'd share so that if you have the same problem, maybe I'll save you a bit of effort.

The key issue is meta tags (see what I did there?) and specifically Open Graph meta tags. Compute the correct og:image and Facebook won't go guessing it. Compute or set the correct title and description, and your link will look a little more professional.  There are some tricks to learn about image sizes that work best, but I'll share those later (shortly after I bother to figure them out).

Inline JPEG image

Copyright © 2016 Genii Software Ltd.

Tue 5 Apr 2016, 09:03 AM
I know, I know. You've seen me post about high fidelity email before, but this is Notes, right? The email is supposed to look like crap something from the 1990s. Everybody knows that.
But it can be different. If you want to see a few sample emails, fill out the form below and give it a try. Don't worry, we won't harass you or sell your email information. We'll just send you six emails rendered the way Domino does, and those six emails rendered the way CoexLinks Fidelity does. Read them on your phone or in Verse or Gmail or Outlook or wherever works for you, and see for yourself. (Click here to see screen captures of the six emails in Notes client.)
You have nothing to lose but that vague sense of nostalgia for a time when Lotus Notes R5 was exciting.


Copyright © 2016 Genii Software Ltd.
